Superradiant coherent photons and hypercomputation in brain microtubules considered as metamaterials

Luigi Maxmilian Caligiuri and Takaaki Musha
Abstract—Several studies have suggested the theoretical possibility of considering human brain as supercomputer using superluminal evanescent photons eventually generated inside its microtubules to manipulate quantum bits in brain. In a previous work we have shown that in the water trapped inside brain microtubules could exist the conditions to allow a spontaneous QED quantum vacuum phase transition towards a macroscopic coherent quantum state characterized by a phased oscillation, at a rescaled frequency, between the water molecules states and an auto-generated electromagnetic field associated to a suitable electronic transition in them. As a result a self-trapped field of superradiant superluminal photons is just generated inside microtubules, characterized by an evanescent tail whose penetration depth is greater than the thickness of microtubules cylinder. In this way the interior of the brain MT cylinders can be considered as a resonant cavity for such superradiant photons whose refraction index depends on the rescaled coherent oscillation frequency. On the other hand it is already theoretical known and experimentally proven that a near perfect tunneling and amplification of evanescent electromagnetic waves is possible in a waveguide filled by a metamaterial. In this paper, basing on the consideration of some structural analogies between man-made metamaterials and some natural biological structures, we just propose the idea to interpret the inner medium of the brain microtubules cylinder as having the properties similar to those characterizing metamaterials and so able to specifically enhance the propagation of evanescent photons inside the neurons.