Dynorphin B Is an Agonist of Nuclear Opioid Receptors Coupling Nuclear Protein Kinase C Activation to the Transcription of Cardiogenic Genes in GTR1 Embryonic Stem Cells

Carlo Ventura, Elisabetta Zinellu, Emiliana Maninchedda, Margherita MaioliAbstract—The cardiac differentiation of embryonic stem (ES) cells was found to involve prodynorphin gene and dynorphinB expression and was associated with the interaction of secreted dynorphin B with cell surface opioid receptors coupledwith protein kinase C (PKC) signaling and complex subcellular redistribution patterning of selected PKC isozymes.Here, confocal… Continua a leggere Dynorphin B Is an Agonist of Nuclear Opioid Receptors Coupling Nuclear Protein Kinase C Activation to the Transcription of Cardiogenic Genes in GTR1 Embryonic Stem Cells