Human Bio-Photons Emission: an observational Case Study of Emission of Energy Using a Tibetan Meditative Practice on an Individual

Several studies have highlighted how bio-photons emission can be considered a reliable indicator of the status of health or illness of a living being.


Pagliaro, Mandolesi, Paren, Marconi, Galli, Sireci and Agostini

Several studies have highlighted how bio-photons emission can be considered a reliable indicator of the status of health or illness of a living being. Further evidence show that this emission can be regulated through meditative practices. e current paper reports a rst observational case study which intends to demonstrate the possibility of intentionally transfer energy from an individual to another and that the process can be recorded using appropriate speci c tools.
An expert therapist used a Tibetan meditative practice called TsaRlung on a healthy participant, who volunteered to the study. e session was recorded using two highly speci c recording devices, the FAST video- camera and the FUTURA camera. e recording was performed under temperature and humidity controls. e background was measured in the empty room and with the therapist and the participant had not come into contact prior to the meditative session. At the same level of cameras’ sensitivity, the images were showing regular images with no signs of unexplained photons.
Frames from the active session show di erent steps of a shi of energy from the therapist to the participant.
Evidence from this rst observational case study, which shows the existence of an energy in form of bio-photons emission intentionally created and then transferred from a human being to another one, presents strong incentive to set up more challenging and tightly controlled studies.